Well, tonight I may write the saddest words for this evening. I hope you all are doing well and are alright, I know people have Bigger problems than me so I won't be long. I have some good and bad with me that I guess I should post tonight so let's start with the bad that from tonight I'm down and I don't know if I'll ever return, nothing serious just not yet but I accidentally broke my handset and I don't think I should waste my effort cause everything is locked down, I just hate this situation and it took me a lot of time to realize that I should get used to this feeling now and I am really sorry but from now on no more of mighty knight I am just too tired of things already and I don't want to keep you guys waiting or anything so just remember me as a weird stranger. Thank you for all the support from anyone who was there with my book and without my book but I'll say, it was a journey worth remembering…. See y'all my friends farewell from the knight.
@MightyKnight15743 Damn, there goes a fantastic friend. Hope you know I'm waiting for your return ;) take as much time off as you need. The situation we're in rn is pretty bad so we understand if things are getting to bottled up. Take a breather, then "never forget to smile" as a good friend always says ;) ;)