
I'm alive and well! Ah nvm that, no one cares anyway... Alright, listen up! I'mma release the next chapter in 2 weeks maximum. If I can't at least keep that promise, I'll punish myself with a 20K word one! >:3... Nah, that's cap. Ok, I'm outta here, gotta review some stuff before facing my literature exam tomorrow. Sayonara!


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Look author-chan, ima be honest, you are an amazing author with an amazing story that is not some bullshitery and waste of time. But you also need some confidence in yourself. Like first things first every mc in an arifureta story should be op as fuck. If you look at the tags the top stories for arifureta have an mc that basically bpdies anyone who dares get in their way.


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@SatoBruh sorry for the late ass reply, but I respect your decision. Hopefully you can comeback as an author but until then I respect your decision, but I do hope you find your passion for writing again. After all at least you attempted. My ass will start a story based off a good idea and then end up becoming paranoid and bombing the shot later


Cuz I currently have no access to my pc, I'll just use this account. Sorry for the late reply (I actually forgot to...) and thanks, ig. The reason I look down on myself like this is based on experience- my first 2 books before this, in my opinion, were fk'ed up real' badly. Maybe I do need to work up my confidence but it can't be denied that I lost the passion for writing. 
            I'm a male, btw. Mihara is like... my imaginary-other-self-who-make-me-feel-like-I-am-not-alone . Again, sogy for da late reply.


I'm alive and well! Ah nvm that, no one cares anyway... Alright, listen up! I'mma release the next chapter in 2 weeks maximum. If I can't at least keep that promise, I'll punish myself with a 20K word one! >:3... Nah, that's cap. Ok, I'm outta here, gotta review some stuff before facing my literature exam tomorrow. Sayonara!


Ok, here's the thing... I lost the passion to write in English, which explains how downgraded my recent (1mth ago :V) chapters were. I, unlike some other authors, am lazy af. Writing 3 stories, and potentially another one, made me a bit fed up. No, I didn't run out of ideas, my brain is filled with them, but... again, lazy- I can't write anything at all. At present, I'm more focused on the second book in my main account; I've planned out nearly everything for that one, and hell, no more space for Arifureta in my mind :/
          So, I apologize to those who have wasted their time to read my story which is a bullsh*t. I'm not gonna drop Blue Rose, but rather update it slower than before, maybe once a month, or so. And in the mean time, I'll start refining my plot for more qualitied chapters in the future.
          And again, sorry for disturbing. I'll be seeing you guys in the next chapter that I hope don't friggin' disappoint


I love your blue rose story, especially since it has my favorite wife from date a live nightmare with her sexy self. Please keep up the great work on this story, and please don't drop it 


Oh yeah, I use my main account most of the time, so don't expect instant reply from me ;-;


            Thanks! And don't worry, I'm not gonna drop this work of mine, cuz it's my first English story, I wanna practice writing in this language more xD