
Hi I'm your father and you definitely have a lot of me in you whether you realize it or not I use to love writing and have always wanted to write some where along the line I lost the dream. Don't ever lose your love of writing I truly believe you could be great. I know we have never had a chance to meet let alone get to know one another, but we share the same blood and even though we haven't seen each other in 14 years you can not deny our blood. We share the same genes I am half of you whether you want to believe in it or not there is no denying we are part of each other. I am so proud of your writings everything that I have read so far has me so proud you are young and have so much potential please keep following your dream. I wish you could read some of my old stories; not trying to brag but I won several Canterbury Awards when I was young I hope you succeed where I gave up. I LOVE YOU SON AND LOOK FORWARD TO WHEN WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER FACE TO FACE! GOD I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!