Okay so I may not have a very large following but I still have a platform somewhat. So I want to use it. Some of you may not agree with what I say and that's okay. But please at least express your opinions instead of hiding behind "I'm not racist but..." "Don't all lives matter???".
Most of you probably know about the BLM movement and the protests that have been happening and how the US president have been dealing with things. I just want to say: these protests and riots are being done because we want change. The cops that have been using their authority to hurt peaceful protesters are disgusting. This movement has been set in place to change our racist and broken justice system.
We are protesting and fighting against injustices that have been covered by law enforcement and the media. Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Abbery, Edgar Garner, Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, and probably most well known: George Floyd. These are just a few people whose lives were unjustly ended because of racism. This needs to change but obviously nothing is being done by officials to do it. So the public has taken things into their own hands.
At these protests, peaceful protesters are being teargassed, maced, shot, and arrested when they've done nothing. They were simply using their 1st amendment rights to peaceful assembly and free speech.
Now before anyone says "well they were looting" The protesters and looters are TWO SEPARATE GROUPS OF PEOPLE. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT.
If you can, donate, go to protests if you are willing. And if you are in a situation like I am: a minor, or anyone who's unable to do any of the above, sign petitions, educate and inform people of the movement and it's reason. Use your platform to share videos for information on how to protect yourself at these protests or how to serve this cause, share links.
Don't just sit there and do nothing. When the people of the next generation ask you what you did during all this, I hope you're able to be proud of your actions.