Hello!! Im back!! Will be announcing that my dream fic might not progress further cuz of all the drama going on but if i ever i have a chance I'll rewrite it and turn the characters into my own!
The tokyo revenger fic ummm might take me more years but i will upload a new og story some time next week (straight shiz it's also purely filipino maybe some bisaya but yeah needed cuz of our subject)
Hsisbisue it's heartwarming to know that people still read ur works when I occasionally open Wattpad and see the notifs
About "Too Pretty" I'd like to complete it so if the endings are too rushed or the chapters are shorter and if most of the characters aren't written there please forgive this lowly me ( _ ≥∆≤)↓↓
When I reread some of my old works I just get shocked with how long each chapter is
I'll try to write a chapter on Too Pretty it's a bit hard for me since I don't really remember how most of them act so if there's like a guide on that somewhere pls share
@NarutoUchiha137 ah hello! i'll try to since i got a few fics i have to update and the next chapter would involve pictures such as tweet made by the simps and I haven't started on that part yet- (┬┬﹏┬┬)
To those who reads the Too Pretty fic here on wattpad pls go to ao3 cuz updates there are faster cuz I just copy n paste it from docs but here on wattpad takes time but I'll still update here..