
how tf am i supposed to get graphics without the forums ajdkjgfadjha;dfghjgha;lgkjha;jsfgh


makes me sad every time i try to go back to my old MDC threads, and they're just gone now...
          like they never existed. i kind of miss them, even though it's been years since i've been around.


@JessicaRufus Honestly I haven't touched photoshop in over a year, might take some practice to get back into it... been kinda busy to be around this site recently but I'll probably think about it lol


@Mikaiah- you should make a new shop 


Took down some of my older stuff.
          Planning a new fantasy novel, which I have a couple ideas for. Not sure it will appeal to general Wattpad audience (then again, I'm pretty out of touch with what's popular on here rn lol)


also about my pieces, I plan to workshop some of my other stories (shorter, but will be similar-ish in style) in my creative writing course. I'll use any feedback from that to improve what I currently have written.
          However, the end result won't be the same or heck, it might not even be remotely similar. Interests shift over time, and things change. Heck, I've never been able to properly write a story that I'm proud of. So I will try my hardest to improve and maybe one day I'll be able to write a piece that I can look back upon fondly.
          If I had to rate my own writing as of now, I think that 
          1. my plots are too gimmicky and cliche. It may not seem that way on the surface, but once you look past everything, it's just a complex mess of things bundled together in hopes that they will even remotely make sense. I need to simplify and refine.
          2. my characters are cookie-cutter models with no flaws.
          3. I'm not comfortable writing in 1st person as that restricts me too much. I generally prefer third-person, and I don't know why I've been writing so many things in first-person the past few years when it clearly doesn't work that well for me.
          4. I'm relying either too much on plot conflict, or not enough, and I'm overdoing setting in some cases. I'm also not great at describing that setting, and I need to choose to focus on the plot driving forward as opposed to focusing specifically on what's happening.
          5. As related to the whole "what's happening" thing, I need to know that myself. I can't go into a story with a half-baked idea, hoping that the idea will flourish as I go on.
          6. Especially when pertaining to romance, I struggle a lot because I'm always unsure of how to write a "romantic" story without putting too much focus or taking too much focus away and relying on rushed feelings.


oops, thought I published chapter 3 of MM awhile back. it's out now, though :D
          still trying to work out details for ATU. That's why chapter 2 has taken so long. Hopefully it will be out once I'm done with finals~