Uh, hi there! This is kinda important, so if you enjoy my content please read.
Due to some personal inconveniences and information i might need to delete my account. I apologize because of this but i wont be explaining what happened. the best i can do is start a new account, though i might not because i dont update much and my books arent getting much attention.
then again, i might just start a new account and continue with my art. this could be a misunderstanding
But things need to happen for me to keep my account. First off, anyone can hang out, but we have to be respectful of other people and keep it PG. There are adults monitoring my account now, so dont do anything you wouldnt want to say in front of one.
Yes, things are changing, but it does not change the way i see you guys. Im just looking out for my account here is all.
Thank you for your time, and i hope to see you all again sometime soon.
Best regards,