
I know I've been gone for a long time and I'm sorry. I'll be writing more, I promise. I plan on finishing Discoveries and the rewrite of Mysteries by the end of November. I don't have much to say other than I'm happy to be writing again. I lost it for awhile because I've had so much going on that I'm not going to get into. Basically, thank you for being patient and I love you!


I know I've been gone for a long time and I'm sorry. I'll be writing more, I promise. I plan on finishing Discoveries and the rewrite of Mysteries by the end of November. I don't have much to say other than I'm happy to be writing again. I lost it for awhile because I've had so much going on that I'm not going to get into. Basically, thank you for being patient and I love you!


Hello my beautiful readers! How are you? 
          I'm sorry I've been gone for a while, my parents' just had their wedding and I was sent to my aunt's house afterwards so they could go on their honeymoon. My aunt has wifi but it shut down for three of five days that I was there.
          Then, I had to go band camp. 
          Band camp is very exhausting. It lasts for 4 hours in the morning and 4 in the afternoon because I have to learn all the formations.
          Anyways, that's not why I'm writing this. 
          I will be around more this summer. (not in Australia though) My goal is to finish The Gift of a Friend before summer is over and school starts because I'll most likely disappear again. I'm in a special program and I'm taking AP US History and I'm only 14 so it'll be very hard. 
          A Heart of Gold will be updated, but slowly like I said before. I'm trying to keep it as well as I can since the only reason I discontinued the first version was because there was too much clutter. My friends wanted to be characters and then I had to make guys for them and it got messy. This version will be clean and simple and have a clear ending. 
          The Another Cinderella Story (soon going to be changed to The One Who Stole My Heart) sequel is coming up soon! I just don't think I should be writing five books at once right now. I'm thinking that that one will be called The One Who Changed it All.
          Mysteries is going to go down soon. I know I said that earlier but I need to get my other stories in check before I begin to rewrite this one. Honestly, does anyone understand what was going on there? I didn't, and I will fix that. 
          Also, I've been rewriting Discoveries and it has come to my concern that people might not have gotten the new and amazingly improved version. On order to do that, you have to be following me. Jk, Jk. All you have to do is delete the old version and get it again. 
          Thank you so much for sticking by me while I rewrite things and try to make things better. I love every single one of you so much!


Alright everyone!! Today is my birthday and because you all have been so supportive and have been the best readers ever, I'm going to update every book and have the rewrite of Discoveries up before my birthday is over! Well, I'm gonna try. Love you all! 


Oh, and I'm going to another R5 concert. BUT... I'M MEETING THEM THIS TIME!!! Me, a girl from a stupid small town that nobody knows, is going to meet the best band on Earth!! I get the info today!
          Today has been the best day ever!