
I just created a YouTube Egos Amino, here's the link for anyone who wants to join http://aminoapps.com/invite/XJVTFKQLUC


O.o over 100 followers? Holy crud thank you so much, I promise I will at some point update my stuff/write something new... if anyone has any requests of stuff for me to write feel free to send me a message and I'll see if it's something I can write


Ok, temporarily deserting my other stories, I've got a huge idea for my own story now and I really want to work on it, no idea when I'll be publishing it onto here since I want to have a good few chapters for it before it's published. I intend on the artwork in the story to be mine. I'm not gonna spoil anything but I hope you'll wait for this, and I honestly hope you'll like it! Sorry about deserting my other stories but once I've finished this one that I'm gonna start working on asap I'll get back to my other ones!!!


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Sorry for not updating stuff for ages!! I've been busy with college and writers block kinda overtook me!! I promise I'll try and update some stuff over this last holiday week, if I don't get around to it then I'll try and do some on the weekends!!! But holy shit!! I nearly have 100 followers!!!!! How?!?! You guys are freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!


I've had an idea for a new story (I am aware I need to update some others but I'm kinda outta inspiration at the minute XD please be patient) it'll be set in Egypt, that's all I'm saying XD but if anyone has any ideas for little side stories for special chapters I would be eternally grateful to hear them, I think its good to have reader contribution to at least small parts of the story! so anyway, i'll start writing it on word, it will be published any time within the next 3 weeks (I have exams this week and next so it will be rather difficult to publish quickly) but I will try to get a few chapters completed, including character introductions.
          welp that's my huge af notification over, btw I was inspired to do this by listening to this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4izWydINP8 so I shall give credit to the creators of this piece for all of my new inspiration


          Found it on YouTube so thought I might as well share it with the rest of the Undertale fans who follow me XD so there is a majestic Frisk for ya


Dead from the first exams, French, talks about selfies in the listening test, biology, idek what to think anymore, the hell do independent companies have to do with biology, nothing that's what! The gcse exam board I don't think is even allowed to do this since its not something we're taught about


          ok excitement over, ill take a few requests for fanfics now! I wont do x readers since i really cant write those but REQUEST AWAY MY AWESOME FOLLOWERS... i shall never repeat that phrase for a while XD