
Redoing Drew Moore everyone. And planning on posting a short story as well.


Since you're probably sleeping I shall Spam your message board. I'm high as fuck right now... So uh yeah. Sorry I didn't come pick you up because we would had fun. But anywho! I really want to say is that I love you and that I would love to drive to your house right now and just kidnap you. I'm so fucking high right now everything is slowing down. I do say sowwy all the time. I shall snapchat you beautiful! My babe. My sexy mofo ;) Peace yo! I'm a sexy beast ~ Yeah. Ashly and Lane said Hi btw o.o Yeah I'm with them as I write this on my laptop, wait... Lane's laptop. Yeah. We will come down tomorrow and get fucked up with Soco and some magic heaven. 
          ~ Love from your sexy besh, Randi.


You got high without me?! How dare you! -___- But I can't be mad at you my Randi panty! Get it? I love you too sexy mofo!