
Helloooo. So, I’ve been questioned not only by some wattpad users, but by some people in discord on why my book is suddenly not in here. So I just wanna let y’all know that I actually am still writing it! It’s just that it’s been tough these past months, and not to mention that I also improved with drawing, and writing! 
          	So I have been revamping the previous chapters in my book whilst thinking about the new ones to come! I am currently on chapter 20, and I am planning to release it back on here once I get to chapter 23! I’ve been able to actually stay motivated since, after all, this is my biggest project! 
          	I’ve also had Coffee Stain North staff take a liking to my universe! So that’s also a good thing! Once I complete this book, I might have it printed out, and maybe edited again, with some light touches, and probably even publish it, or even collab with Coffee Stain one day! Agent Angel Goat Cashier will not die! And also, final thing, AAGC will be a five book series! So this is just the beginning! 
          	Thank you to those interested in my novel, reading it, and showing appreciation through fan art, or asking questions about it! Again, shoutout to Coffee Stain North! 
          	See ya! Baaaa! 


Helloooo. So, I’ve been questioned not only by some wattpad users, but by some people in discord on why my book is suddenly not in here. So I just wanna let y’all know that I actually am still writing it! It’s just that it’s been tough these past months, and not to mention that I also improved with drawing, and writing! 
          So I have been revamping the previous chapters in my book whilst thinking about the new ones to come! I am currently on chapter 20, and I am planning to release it back on here once I get to chapter 23! I’ve been able to actually stay motivated since, after all, this is my biggest project! 
          I’ve also had Coffee Stain North staff take a liking to my universe! So that’s also a good thing! Once I complete this book, I might have it printed out, and maybe edited again, with some light touches, and probably even publish it, or even collab with Coffee Stain one day! Agent Angel Goat Cashier will not die! And also, final thing, AAGC will be a five book series! So this is just the beginning! 
          Thank you to those interested in my novel, reading it, and showing appreciation through fan art, or asking questions about it! Again, shoutout to Coffee Stain North! 
          See ya! Baaaa!