
Is anyone getting their updates??? I mean do you see when the books you're following is updated? I've only been seeing the comments people have sent me.


I hate when people perceive me the wrong way. So I would like to say that I never mean to be malicious. But I am also no punk. So instead of popping off I am always down for some proper communication and just talking things out. If you don't like something I've said just ask me why I said it and explain to me why you feel that way and I will do the same for you and we can be adults about this. There is no need to get sassy over the internet as if we bout that life... It's just never that serious. So let's be mature.


Hey ya'll... I'm going through a lot right now. I don't think I'll be continuing my story. My like just got a lot more complicated with my little brother's death and trying to cope with that. I know I promised you guys a chapter last week but I might be taking to story down... or at least going on an hiatus to get myself together. I'm sorry