
Hello everyone! I’m so so so so so sorry for delays for chapter 16-20. It’s just been very tough coming up with new ideas. I mean hell I’m typing or at least trying to for chapter 16 and as I type; I tend to stop look at it and be like “nah this won’t be right” and/or “I don’t like this imma change it.” Since season 5 of MHA is out I’m trying to figure out where my character fits in the mix. However; please bare with me and please understand that I’m trying my best here because I know this has happened to you guys as well. 


Hello everyone! I’m so so so so so sorry for delays for chapter 16-20. It’s just been very tough coming up with new ideas. I mean hell I’m typing or at least trying to for chapter 16 and as I type; I tend to stop look at it and be like “nah this won’t be right” and/or “I don’t like this imma change it.” Since season 5 of MHA is out I’m trying to figure out where my character fits in the mix. However; please bare with me and please understand that I’m trying my best here because I know this has happened to you guys as well. 


Is it just me or am I having issues trying to find stories to read? 


Yeah I have like 2 drafts on my story that I’m working and trying to figure out where my character can fit in the story and it’s tough. Especially with the chapter I’m working on now I’m trying to figure out how to make it interesting even though it’s a filler chapter. 


Completely understandable. I’ve kinda given up on reading stories and instead I just write (I’ve got like 15  unpublished drafts I’ve been working on ) (MHA, Fairytail, SOA, Fruits Basket, ect)


 I would like to discuss something that I've been seeing since I have started this fanfic. EVERYONE! Has been asking and telling me about Yukiko's actual age. Now! She is 14 years old for the sake of the story!!! If we are doing this year wise she was born in 2004 and Eri was born in 2013! Yukiko's suffering started at the age of 9! Plus; this is going to be a Midoriya x OC fanfic if it isn't too obvious. Alright now that we solved this issue and confusion. 


So Im currently reading the manga of Boku no Hero Academia (193-onward) so I have a few ideas in my head already I’m just trying to figure out how I want to go about and which makes sense to add in and which doesn’t. So please be patient with me during this hiatus on writing again ❤️
          Stay safe & healthy!


Hello everyone! So I will be taking a hiatus from my fanfiction; I’m losing motivation and ideas from the book and I do not want to that! So what im planning on doing is read the manga to where it’s currently at as well as to concentrate on college. Please forgive me and please do not hate me for this hiatus but I feel like this can be good for me. 


@YTREALAngelforfun thank you so much for understanding. 


@MilagrosFigueroa30  It's alright  you always need a break every now and then 


Hello everyone I am so so so sorry for the delay on the next chapter it’s just things in my personal life is just a bit crazy. I’m getting or at least trying to get stuff done State University I’m going to, work at times has been a bit of a hassle, registering for classes, etc. so yes thing have been a bit crazy in my end. However; I shall try my best to update so please bare with me. 


@MilagrosFigueroa30  I think your doing great with this story. I only have one chapter done on mine and I am not entirely sure If I have even published it yet. I Like the story! And I can't wait until I am able to read about Yukiko finally smiling!