
I'm writing a new story, partly based off of real events from my life, partly based off of movies, and inspired by Stephen King. I'll publish it as soon as I finish editing.


I just finished watching The Hate U Give, & it brought me to tears. It is truly an inspirational movie. My favourite scene is when Starr yells at Hailey with the hairbrush & asks if it is a weapon. Words cannot describe how amazing the movie is. I absolutely loved it. 


/ bro i love your oc!


            Sure! But I'm at school, so I will drag a little to answer.


            / aww, thank you! would you like to roleplay?


            Thank you so much! You are so sweet!


“I always felt like something of an outsider. But I identified with people up on the screen. That made me feel like I wanted to be up on the screen too. I felt like eventually I would get there.”
          -Luke Perry 
          R.I.P Luke Perry. You will always live in my heart as Dylan McKay & as Fred Andrews. You deserved more time. 
          “If you know it’s the right thing to do, even though it’s tough, even though it might cost you. You gotta do it.”
           -Luke Perry as Fred Andrews 
          Your legacy lives on.