
It's been a while since I was last on here, I've found it really difficult to write this past year since I didn't have any ideas I could really expand on and I was really struggling to come up with plot points etc. I'm working on a comic currently and I'll be working on writing stories again this year. I've spent a couple years trying to work on a fanfiction but I don't watch anime anymore so I probably won't continue trying to rewrite it, I am however a big marvel fan so if I write any fanfictions it'll most likely be that. I apologise for going dead after saying I was going to work on things.


It's been a while since I was last on here, I've found it really difficult to write this past year since I didn't have any ideas I could really expand on and I was really struggling to come up with plot points etc. I'm working on a comic currently and I'll be working on writing stories again this year. I've spent a couple years trying to work on a fanfiction but I don't watch anime anymore so I probably won't continue trying to rewrite it, I am however a big marvel fan so if I write any fanfictions it'll most likely be that. I apologise for going dead after saying I was going to work on things.


Ok so just a quick update in terms of literally everything tbh, so I'm un-publishing between the stars for the time being, I just want to take some time to really sort out all my stories. I've also rebranded, I used to be Chasing_Butterflies_/ Jane_Doe. So uh yeah, that's what's going on and I should have at least one of my stories up within a week, I'll be making a schedule so hopefully I'll update frequently :))