If you follow me I'll most likely follow you back. If I don't then comment on my wall asking. if I still don't just DM me and I'll probably give you a good reason. (☆★$pace unicorn $oring through the $tars, delivering the rainbow$ all around the world★☆)

am not revealing my name on wattpad. Not because I don't want people knowing my name, because I don't want people I know from school to be reading my books XP... if I had any. So if you want to know my name I might tell you if you DM me.

So many people see me as annoyong, normal, rude, nice, quiet or loud. The thing is I have moodswings :D! One minute I'll be in a weird, happy, fun mood the next I'll be balling my eyes out punching walls (Well not exactly)

Favorite color: Rainbows ♡♡♡!!!!ALL THINGS RAINBOW!!! (I'm crazy...)

When I promise you something I promise. like a promise promise promise. Don't believe me? Well... Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! (My little pony quote)

***Teenagers scare the living s*** out of me***... oh wait I'm a teenager

\(♡♥)/ Yay

Well if I have anything else to say I'll type it later.
  • JoinedFebruary 12, 2015
