Sorry for the late update!
Chapter 37 of The Forgotten Past is now out, featuring some incredible art by Sona. You should check it out :D
With this update, we're also nearing the end of the Blood Flower Arc! And sadly once it has ended I'll be going on Hiatus :\. I'll be editing through the first two arcs on my free time during my hiatus, but there will be no new chapters after the end of the Blood Flower Arc. I'm not sure how long it'll be before another chapter in a new arc is released, but I do intend to finish The Forgotten Past.
So on that note The Forgotten Past - | Blood Flower Arc | - release dates!
✎ Chapter 38 ↠ Friday 8/11
✎ Chapter 39 ↠ Saturday 8/12
✎ Chapter 40 ↠ Sunday 8/13
Now these chapters will conclude the Blood Flower Arc this week! I can't promise there won't be any cliffhangers...heh enjoy.
Thank you all for the support and I wish you a lovely day or night :p
- Edø