Hey I realize you don’t have or use social media anymore but I am hoping you would stop by to view my latest piano videos of my self composed songs online. You can find them either at pianogirl58 on Instagram or some samples of my self composed music can be also found on Tik Tok under tetamarina1966. Anyhow it’s there whenever you feel like checking it out hope you enjoy what you see and would let me know if your thoughts. I miss you viewing and enjoying my piano videos. I still have not yet heard from David Foster the composer
Hi I just emailed famous composer David Foster about my music. I wrote about it on my latest bonus chapter 11 on my latest book, titled Journal of a gifted, amateur pianist.
I just written chapter 10 another bonus chapter in my latest book Journal of a an Amateur gifted pianist. Also I am thinking of contacting David Foster the famous composer about my self composed music to see what he says thinks. What do you think of that idea? Let me know what you think of my above thought dea when you can
Να και η δική μου συμμετοχή στον διαγωνισμό της @EstelleLuminescent .
Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει και φυσικά αν θέλετε και εσείς να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή στον διαγωνισμό Iskioi Oneirou 2025 έχετε ακόμα καιρό. Να είστε πάντα καλά.
Κύριες και κύριοι! Πολυαγαπημένα μελη αυτης της εφαρμογής.Ηρθε καινούριο βιβλίο προώθησης ιστοριών. Ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες του πρώτου κεφαλαίου αν θέλετε και εσείς να αναδείξετε τα έργα σας μέσω του βιβλίου αυτού.Μην το χάσετε,θα χάσετε!
Hi I know your not online much but just to let you know that I just begun writing a new non fiction book its mentioned on my message board. The first 3 chapters of the book is finally up. The book is titled The Journey of an Aspiring, Amateur, Gifted Pianist. The book is written in a journal like format. Hope you are doing Ok and I miss our chats.
@Millany_Kelly_Green Thanks it’s too bad your not on Instagram anymore because you could catch up and to see what I been doing lately piano wise on my piano account on Instagram under pianogirl58
@MalaMasa66 I read the comments you left on my profile and i am stunned! Actually i am delighted to read that your talent is getting recognised and you are taking your skills as a pianist a step further. I am so glad about you my dear!!!