
I was gone for a little while because of exams (and a throat infection as well as a possible lung infection <3) and came back to over 200 notifications and like 3 of my close friend's accounts either blocked or they deleted them. Help, there's sm other changes as well, I'm too slow ; ;


@AddsThe1AndOnly girl I have the same question-


i am so sorry what did i miss holy crapidoodles 


I was gone for a little while because of exams (and a throat infection as well as a possible lung infection <3) and came back to over 200 notifications and like 3 of my close friend's accounts either blocked or they deleted them. Help, there's sm other changes as well, I'm too slow ; ;


@AddsThe1AndOnly girl I have the same question-


i am so sorry what did i miss holy crapidoodles 


"That's crazy. No, you're lying, it's unbelievable!"
          "Crazy? You can wrap your head around the fact that the supernatural exists and you're the son of a god who had a child with his grandma but suddenly me saying im from a different universe sounds crazy?"
          An average conversation with rie


I know dam well rie would be lazy as helheim and put on the first thing she finds on sight that smells normal. 
          (I will, in fact, be updating solace next week because my exams will be finished by then. There is an apology surprise for not updating at all the whole year)


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!


@Mogitin thx! My day is actually gonna end in an hour or two haha
            But yes, i will check out ur work and give feedback asap. I hv exams rn, so not by next two weeks but after that I'll surely check it. and I'd love to be friends with u ( i am friendless and lifeless irl)