Hey guys! Still trying to access this account again. Basically what I'm doing is clicking my email, going into a notification that someone commented/voted on a story or followed me, and accessing this account through google. I can only do certain things here though, and writing isnt one of them.
I've been trying to access this account all day today but I can't remember the password and everytime I send out the email to reset my password it doesn't send the email, so I'm kind of stuck on my other account for now, sorry- "TvT
Anyway, thank you so much for 1k reads kn my Tsuchako story! You have no idea how happy I was when I saw the reads!
I'm over the moon! Anyway, I promise I'm trying my best to get back, so don't give up on me yet!
I'll try to keep you all updated on this conversations page every day! Anyway, cya soon!