
Sorry everybody for not updating! I'm renovating my house so we've got no internet which really sucks! I'm on my phone, connected to my friends iPad!


Hey @miloluver just wanted to say I like what u have written on wattpad and can you follow me? I'm following u one of my friends puppy_love_n u follow her and she said she likes u so I was just trying to give it a shot I just need ur help with my advertising and while ur at it u can read my story on niall it's only if u want to thx! U rock!!!


          *you are asleep*
          niall- how do i tell her?
          liam- just wake her up!
          niall- but what if she says no?
          liam- go!
          niall- okay okay alright! calm down liam!
          liam just wake her up and tell her
          niall- but how?
          liam- be yourself
          niall- okay
          *niall shakes you awake and you look at him*
          you- yes niall, what do you want?
          niall- will you, could you, please, make me a sandwich?