
So I basically ended two friendships, well my parents don’t want me talking to hide two people anymore, and I completely understand. But it was really hard and I felt like I was betraying one of them (aka the girl who I considered a sister) and I had to realize that I wasn’t betraying her, that what happened was for the best. 


So I basically ended two friendships, well my parents don’t want me talking to hide two people anymore, and I completely understand. But it was really hard and I felt like I was betraying one of them (aka the girl who I considered a sister) and I had to realize that I wasn’t betraying her, that what happened was for the best. 


Jonghyun you deserved so much better, I wish your life could have been completely happy. We’ll continue to replay the amazing memories that we have with you. Thank you for everything that you’ve done, you really did work hard. I’m so sorry Jonghyunie. My condolences go to his family, his friends, all SHINee stans, the entire Kpop community that has lost idols of their own. #rosesforjonghyun #restinpeacejonghyun 


So Min Yoongi could possibly be leaving the music industry, meaning leaving BTS. And he’s my bias, and a man who has influenced me so much. And I have no idea if this is true. However if it is, I’m going to miss him so much, and I love him with all my heart, and I wish him the best. I’m legitimately devastated and was to cry, but I hope he has the best life possible, and I’m so proud of my baby.


When you have a “kinky looking choker” according to a friend and it was choking you slightly when you moved your head around and you joked that you weren’t against it choking you. And then your bestie tells a (guy) friend of yours and you both continue to make awful jokes