
No one is going to read this, but whatever...
          	1) I have unpublished 'Love Yourself', I am not happy with it.
          	I still kinda like the premise, but my writing sucked for the first 15 chapters and then it could not become any better because I had made so many plotholes because of my inexperience.
          	I will rewrite it this summer and when I'm happy with it I  will republish it again, maybe I'll wait until I finished it and only then republish it again...
          	Probably no one will care, because it has been months since I've uploaded.
          	I now have the feeling that my writing is decent and that I'm more capable of writing better characters, because let's admit, Abby and co were shallow and one dimensional.
          	 2) My exams start in a few weeks and will last a month, so no writing for me... They end late June and then I have 9 weeks vacation, I'll try to write as much as I can... for both of my stories...
          	3) I love you guys and I appreciate your support... and I'm sorry for my slow updates, my bad updates (my last chapter was boring af, I know) and sorry if you were one of the few that actually remember 'love yourself' and was waiting for a next chapter.
          	4) Stay healthy y'all


@Min_Meow_  Hiiiiiii 
          	  Have a nice day! :)


No one is going to read this, but whatever...
          1) I have unpublished 'Love Yourself', I am not happy with it.
          I still kinda like the premise, but my writing sucked for the first 15 chapters and then it could not become any better because I had made so many plotholes because of my inexperience.
          I will rewrite it this summer and when I'm happy with it I  will republish it again, maybe I'll wait until I finished it and only then republish it again...
          Probably no one will care, because it has been months since I've uploaded.
          I now have the feeling that my writing is decent and that I'm more capable of writing better characters, because let's admit, Abby and co were shallow and one dimensional.
           2) My exams start in a few weeks and will last a month, so no writing for me... They end late June and then I have 9 weeks vacation, I'll try to write as much as I can... for both of my stories...
          3) I love you guys and I appreciate your support... and I'm sorry for my slow updates, my bad updates (my last chapter was boring af, I know) and sorry if you were one of the few that actually remember 'love yourself' and was waiting for a next chapter.
          4) Stay healthy y'all


@Min_Meow_  Hiiiiiii 
            Have a nice day! :)


To the people who are waiting for the next chapter, I'm sorry it's taking so long.
          I realise that the last chap of "the love between species" has been over a month ago, don't let me look at "love yourself", I will be so angry at myself when I see the date .
          So again sorry.
          It's because of school, I'm trying to find time to write, it's rare...
          And I have found out that I'm burnt out, physically and mentally. 
          I'm constantly thinking about school, my only distraction at home is when I can talk with my family and when I watch/listen BTS.
          Not even in the lessons, where I usually wonder off in my own head, would I find any new ideas. When I think about my story's I'm just like "damn, I really should write the next chap" and I have. I have the half of an episode on paper, but it's time consuming to type it over and kt's hella boring.
          Wow this is a long explenation that probably no one is going to read..
          Anyway after this week I have a two week vacation, I'll give you updates in those weeks...
          Purple y'all


Hey guys, 
          Again, no idea if some one will read this.
          But hey, I don't care.
          Sorry, it will take a while again for my next chapter. Why? School. 
          Actually, it's not that much, but--- it is? 
          Also, this weekend I'm having a late bday party and I will have guests staying the night, so sunday is also a no-no for me.
          Again sorry. 
          Purple you 


So hey guys, I don't know if anyone will read this. 
          But I'll tell you guys anyway.
          I have vacation at the moment, a week. 
          Normally I would update more, but I won't update at all.
          I'm in Italy at the moment. I'm on a vacation with my school and I'll be back the last Saturday of my vacation.
          I'll trie to post sunday or maybe saturday, but it' a small chance I will.
          I love you guys, Bye