
Hey everyone
          	I am writing again. Sorry for the long wait, school had been killing me, but i'm back!!! 
          	I wrote a few chapters and hopefully i can publish them tomorrow and start getting back on track. 
          	For now i'm sorry again and i hope you have a wonderful day/night ♡


Hey everyone
          I am writing again. Sorry for the long wait, school had been killing me, but i'm back!!! 
          I wrote a few chapters and hopefully i can publish them tomorrow and start getting back on track. 
          For now i'm sorry again and i hope you have a wonderful day/night ♡


Hey lovess!!
          I'm sorry for not publishing right now, but i'm so busy with the last few weeks of school. assignments and tests have been so much that i can't even start writing my chapters. I'm very sorry, but i will update soon!!