
Hello there, may I inquire about the possibility of adapting and continuing your novel "Before Naruto: Pre-Shippuden: Season-1 Trying to save the future!"?


Is Rin younger or older than Naruto?


Thank you so much 


@peachy148 I was actually going to discontinue it as the slow build romance between Tobi aka Obito Uchiha and Rin Uzumaki wasn't going how I had pictured it in my head. However, if u wish to adapt it then I don't see a problem with it. In fact, I am glad you like it so much that you want to adapt it as I actually hate discontinuing a story. So, feel free to continue it...though u might want to fix some mistakes that I unknowingly made...such as Rin being the younger twin with Naruto being the older one. Also, u should know that Rin is deathly allergic to seafood and runs at a lower temperature than a normal human. Oh! She is also a total Tobirama Senju fan and looks up to him in the same way that Naruto looks up to Minato. So, she should have a complete mistrust of Sasuke Uchiha while trying to keep Naruto as far away from the Uchiha as possible.


Please write more chapters for this story very soon‼️‼️❓❓ I really love this story and love how Naruto twin sister falls in love with Tobi who is actually the older self of  Obito. 
          I also love that the past characters meets the future characters and watch the anime.
          Before Naruto: Pre-Shippuden: Season 1! -
          Trying to Save the Future!