So- an update on some things in my book that I’ve noticed. If I’m not responding, it’s most likely because of the following:
-I just haven’t seen the tag or response because it got lost in my notifications.
-You are not adding enough detail or information in your replies.
-You aren’t using proper grammar.
-You are not attempting to contribute to the story or plot. If your characters are only reacting to events I make, without endorsing within them, it gets really annoying. For example, if your character is always asking, “What do we do now?” Or something along those lines...I’m going to stop responding.
-Unfortunately- the character you chose to roleplay with is overused, so you’re going to have to really try and grab me with that first response.
-The characters that I’m the most excited about...aren’t being touched. The ones I worked so hard on. So that takes away from my motivation with roleplays sometimes.
-Last, the roleplay has run dry. We both have contributed, but there’s nothing left for us to do. We role played for so long- but now it’s time to start something new :D