
Hella apologies: I burned out. It has been... two years since I've actively written for NWR, because every time I tried to get the words in my head out, it, uh. Did not work. There was a whole long plot, and I do still remember all of it, but, you know. Words machine broke. I don't have the heart to delete this account and end the charade of me possibly coming back to it- people are legit reading NWR to this day, and it makes my brain pog when I think about the fact that my years old story is still catching people's interest. Y'all reading a fic whose last update came out two years ago are the realest of mad lads. But. NWR is gonna be legit retired. Maybe one day I'll go crazy and write for it again, but I don't feel the constant itch to work on it like I used to, so I think this is the right thing to say- probably don't expect a wild quarantine update. But. Thank y'all for sticking around so long!!


Hella apologies: I burned out. It has been... two years since I've actively written for NWR, because every time I tried to get the words in my head out, it, uh. Did not work. There was a whole long plot, and I do still remember all of it, but, you know. Words machine broke. I don't have the heart to delete this account and end the charade of me possibly coming back to it- people are legit reading NWR to this day, and it makes my brain pog when I think about the fact that my years old story is still catching people's interest. Y'all reading a fic whose last update came out two years ago are the realest of mad lads. But. NWR is gonna be legit retired. Maybe one day I'll go crazy and write for it again, but I don't feel the constant itch to work on it like I used to, so I think this is the right thing to say- probably don't expect a wild quarantine update. But. Thank y'all for sticking around so long!!


@GayTeriyaki Oh boy. I will... I will certainly try my absolute hardest. I can't do scheduled updates unfortunately, but I will try and write as much as I can every day! It'll take a while for the next chapter, but hopefully it will be finished at the end of the month (at the most). NWR is on my to-do list, and it will always be until the last chapter. I never have and never will forget about this fic, no matter how long it takes. tldr - "im slow but im trying to make it monthly-ish"


I'm trying to clean up my Wattpad a teensy bit, so don't be alarmed by the changes! My icon is me as a hex maniac now, instead of the dragon galaxy. (It feels more personal to have my art as an icon than a galaxy.)


I updated my icon again with a much cleaner version of the image! I'm also heavily debating changing the cover of Gold and Silver: No Words Required. Unfortunately,  I cannot find the original artist of the picture to credit them properly! Reverse Google search isn't working at all... so I wanted to use my own art as a cover. Alternately, I could put official Pokemon art as my cover. I really do want your input!


Okay. So, as you might be able to tell, at the beginning of my Preciousmetalshipping fic, I had a very different idea for how the story would turn out. Trouble is...I forgot what that idea was. So now, i'm just doing what feels right. What feels right is a slow burn style...thing.  So this is gonna stretch on a little longer. I feel like y'all need to know that. Also, a question, from me to you- should I get rid of those ANs in the middle of the story? They clog it up a little bit, at least to me. 
          And, also...thank you. Thank you so much for all this support. Little 13 year old me never expected this when they wrote those first chapters. 15 year old me is still reeling, to be honest. I'm going to try my best to write this fic satisfyingly, for all of you. I hope y'all enjoy.


I'm going to move the ANs around a little (into drabbles maybe?). I'll still have them in case y'all want them (Idk why though) but the flow of the story is all disrupted and its driving me a little crazy.