I'm Mindy c:
I'm a lesbian.
I'm 5"3, as pale as snow, have green hazel eyes, and I'm basically an average weight.
I love cats, singing, writing, dancing, and walking barefoot in nature. I also love music and hanging out. I experience a lot of craaaazy thangs. I also am working on writing two books. The other one is just poems.

Subscribe if you like my work or me as a person, lol.
Also, ask about my life and things I like in "messages" and I will answer honestly or as carefully as possible c:
  • Дата регистрацииMay 27, 2015


Последнее сообщение
Mindycx Mindycx Sep 08, 2015 11:42PM
So, guys, helps me get more followers, maybe?I would love a little help. I just wanna see if people would actually like my writing maybe. 
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Истории от Mindy Sargent
My Catastrophical Life от Mindycx
My Catastrophical Life
Poems about love, pain, regret, depression, and anxiety. Sit back and relax, if you can.
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