
Hi. Thank you so much for voting for my book THE GUARDIAN DEVIL. I hope you enjoyed the story till now and I hope to impress you with my work in the future too. Thanks again. It really means a lot to me. Please do vote and comment for the chapters in the future too, if you like them. I would love to read your views.


@pollyannish no worries. Best wishes for your exams. 


@MineTasnim Thank you. Hearing such motivational words really mean a lot to me as an author. My exams are going on, so a bit busy with my studies. But as soon as my exams will be over, I will surely continue to post the chapters. You can follow my profile to get the updates and any such notifications if you like. Love you!


@MineTasnim Thank you. Hearing such motivational words really mean a lot to me as an author. My exams are going on, so a bit busy with my studies. But as soon as my exams will be over, I will surely continue to post the chapters. You can follow my profile to get the updates and any such notifications if you like. Love you!


Thank you @MineTasnim for adding my books to your reading list! I truly appreciate it and I hope that you enjoy reading them.


@geekiechicforall13 i am really enjoying reading them..