
Hey everyone!! I have great news!! You probably know by now that you all have been accusing Ella Cassie A.k.a @Ella_The_Fox that she is Haley, but she proved she's not because she took a selfie of herself to show you all she's isn't Haley. Don't believe me, take a good look including you @ChaseTheRacer because SHE IS NOT HALEY!! Stop accusing Ella Cassie of being Haley because she's not him!!! Please, end the the accusations against her!  She is my best friend and she always will be so please, trust me and trust her on this because it is all true!! Take a good look at her profile pic, that girl you see is her! So please, end this! She's being framed by Haley himself! Blame him not her!! Please, I beg you....


@MinecraftFan45 agree people need to stop accusing people


@Ella-The-Fox  Yea..but now I know that Ella is Ella. ^^


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i think he almost tied to do it to me but i was to naive then he got onto my server and started causing problems while chatting up a 16 year old also after we found he was guilty he became erratic and threatening so good redends the fucking physco this is coming from me so you have done something kind reguards fuck you you bitch the fucking creep and bastard good day to you dipshit


What you’re doing is really bad. You have to stop it now. Tons of people might have reported you already but you’re still here. Before things could get any worse, it’s best you leave yourself. Don’t get little kids involved in your dirty works. They’re just kids!


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Hi Sonic!! remember me? (It's Pixie from unite)....I see not much has changed.....If anything you've escalated your sick crap. In case you forgot YOU BEGGED AND PLEADED WITH ME TO FORGIVE YOU FOR YOUR PREDATOR BEHAVIOR, and look at this mess how can you even try to claim you are the victim in this situation. Boy am I glad I was on the other end of that screen when you were spamming invites to my fucking child!!! wtf is wrong with you SEXTING WITH KIDS?!?!? THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS. You need professional help dude. I said it before I'll say it again if it LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, QUACKS LIKE A DUCK THEN ITS A FUCKING DUCK, YOU ARE A CHILD PREDATOR/PEDOPHILE. And as someone who has endured trauma from people of your caliber those kiddos will forever have to live with what you have done and are continuing to do. 


@BelovedKohai172 Worst part of it for me, was when my friends defended my groomer


@ThePixie333 Wow. That is so sickening. Straight up. I even read through the documents on the whole thing and it hits too close to home for me.... I've been groomed like that and it brought back terrible memories. I'm dealing with it by writing it out, currently... Btw you are an amazing mother you should be proud. He's so beyond gross.  Makes my stomach turn each time I think of it. I hope the Victim gets justice unlike me, I had to walk away with no evidence at all and keep it to myself...  Making me question my worth and all that, and my closest friends even said it was my fault.  I let it happen and I should be ashamed. It was rough ...


@BelovedKohai172 it absolutely is. I am appalled and soooooo freaking glad I saw the red flags before he tried to lure my oldest 2 years or so ago (she is currently only 11). Thankfully my kids listen to me when it comes to stuff that matters so they knew not to play with him at all if I was not present in the game. I also told him directly that he would NOT be playing with my children AT ALL UNLESS I was there too. Not long after he was spamming my oldest with invites and thankfully I was the on the other end of the screen and immediately called him out. He apologized, and I gave him a chance but not with my kids. Then I started seeing more and more crap and called him out again. He tried claiming He was just barely 18 when he first wrote these stories, And didn't know any better, didn't understand that it was wrong. He incessantly BEGGED ME to forgive him. At this point I was not aware just how bad he actually was, and thought maybe it was just warning behavior. Long story short I told him I needed time, He couldn't even give me much of that time I asked for, so I ended up giving him an ultimatum to stop playing with children And I'd consider playing unite with him. He said he'd stop his ways, but obviously escalated them instead. It's scary that He knows exactly how to appeal to young kiddos. Pretty certain I still have the receipts for a lot of this.