Jeepers creepers, it's been almost a year since my last announcement, squarey bois, and well past a year since my last update on Miso and HoloWorld. Sorry for y'all who've been waiting. Two things:
1. College (Yes. I underestimated how busy I'd be LMAO), but hey, I took a really good time with my vacation and did the things I wanted to do.
2. Writer's block. I know how to end the stories, *but piecing it together in the middle is kinda hard LMAO.* I'm trying to figure out how to flesh out everybody's character in Miso while also moving the plot forward for Shiro's development as well as the plot itself. Regardless, I've already come up with the next arc, so I just need to write the chapters.
I know it's been very long. *I took a peek on the notifs, and my God, a lot of ye actually cared enough to stick till a year and such for me stories*. And I'm ready to go back to writing. However, I will say though I won't be as consistent as before since I don't even know if I'll have free time, seeing as I got a semester worth of college life (and realizing how unforgiving it can be LMAO)
So ye, I hope I can actually get back to writing now and finish the stories. It has been at the back of my mind, but personal life comes first for your Cubey boi here. As we speak, I'm currently writing the chapters, and have the outline of it now. That'll be all from me, squarey bois~ Cube QB outie!