I feel like I should give an explanation as for why my updates have been taking so long, even I didn’t think I’d take this long.
So, I’ve actually had soooooo many ideas involving A New World Emerges and even several other books that I’m planning on fully writing before posting. Not to mention I’m planning on joining my friend on their account on AO3 as it’s easier to use.
I’ve got so many ideas for ANWE as soon as I can get past the intro section. In fact I’m going to ask something very special in that I need some help deciding/finding characters to play the antagonists of this story. Some characters I already have a place for, but even then it doesn’t take much to adjust my plot to work with almost any of the characters being temporary antagonists. Depending on the character they may even have a redemption arc.
I also am allowing dreamswap characters and Swap! Versions of characters so if anyone would like to suggest anything, feel free!
Sorry again for taking so long, I’ve almost gotten the next chapter ready so I’ll have it out soon hopefully!
See you soon pikapeople!