
Hey my buddies, I just want to tell you all that I'm writing a new book. And I can't think of a good series name for it. It's about this girl named Leon, who lives in this town with other half-dog people. With ears and tails of that certain dog. So I was hoping that you guys could give me some names for the series. Btw, the book is called Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.


Hey my buddies, I just want to tell you all that I'm writing a new book. And I can't think of a good series name for it. It's about this girl named Leon, who lives in this town with other half-dog people. With ears and tails of that certain dog. So I was hoping that you guys could give me some names for the series. Btw, the book is called Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.


Hello my peeps, jk. I just want to let you all know that I've published another chapter of my Spirit Hunting book. And that I've been working on it for quite a few months. But I was actually working on most of it this night. And there is now like over 6000 words for that new chapter, and I feel real proud of myself there. I hope ya'll like it, and I hope there'll be a couple comments about it as well. That's about it. Have a good night yall.


Hey my peeps, jk. I'm just letting everyone know that I'm starting a new book series, and I have no clue as to what to call it. If anyone has anything they might like to suggest, let me know please. The main character is a private investigator, a P.I. And there's this other character who bothers her quite a lot, but he acts quite the gentlemen. Haven't figured that part out yet, but please tell me any suggestions that come to mind. Thanks 


Hey guys, I just want you all to know something. I have published my first book to the nook. It's called Nightmare: a NCIS fanfiction. My first one was bought yesterday which makes me very happy. That's about all. 


Hey guys, I just want you all to know that I've published one of my books. It's called Nightmare: a NCIS fanfiction. I used to have it up on my account here, but took it off. Those to u who have read it. Please buy it on the nook if you loved it, thank you very much. I have to say that I'm thankful to hose who read my stories, I couldn't do it without you all. Thanks


Hey guys, I'm not sure if you have ever read any of my stories or not. I just want to tell you all something. At the moment, not this very moment because I'll be going to bed. But, I'm editing one of my books and soon to be publishing it online for the nook. It's very satisfying to know that I'm gonna be a author, something I'm so very proud of. I just want to tell you all that. It's my NCIS fanfiction book, Nightmare. And it's gonna be published on August 1, of this year (of course). Though it might be a day earlier if I can manage it. Thank you all for reading my chapters, for my stories. I appreciate it. And if you're wondering when I'm going to publish another chapter for one of my other books, don't worry. I'll soon do that. Thank you all. I'm happy people like my stories.