
Cigarrette daydream
          	you were only 17
          	so sweet with a mean streak
          	nearly brought me to my knees
          	(insert musical segment because it's my 17th birthday)


I've been thinking about writing my dreams into oneshot style stories. They're just so good and immersive that it'd be a shame to keep them to myself, specifically the ones that'd fit well in fandoms.
          I've also been thinking about finally writing out this one story idea I've had in my head for years. I have a main plot and everything, it's just the actual writing things out part I've been meaning to do.
          Anybody have feedback and/or thoughts to share about it? I plan on doing these things, but my motivation seems to be the issues in a lot of my problems nowadays


I just had the best experience at my favorite restaurant!
          There was nobody there besides the workers and my family,
          It was just after rush hour, and everything was all nice and cleaned, especially the bathrooms,
          The food was really fresh and the dishes were just cleaned,
          we got to watch the sunset from the window,
          My anxiety is basically non-existent,
          AND they just restocked the soda and toy machines!
          Tell me. What possibly could make that any better?


@LordOfMultifandoms They did have music! It was lovely and chill.


@MiniShubba basically nothing could make that better. Except; maybe some music, (unless they had that already-)


The "Human Seamstress" has retired. She's still around somewhere, but she has evolved and become MiniShubba. AKA: my username nearly everywhere else-
          But Happy June to everyone! Do you like my new vibe-?
          There's a quote for the new background picture:
          "I love infinite diversity and infinite combinations" [said Piglet]
          "Me too, Piglet. Happy Pride month" [replied Pooh]


To all my fellow writers- do you ever just have that perfect 4 am ideas for upcoming chapters in a story you just HAVE to write? So you go write it and you love it?? And now you're over here silently celebrating because YES PLOT?? But when you go back to where you were you're suddenly stuck? And then you're trying to build up to the greatness that's just a few chapters away, and you just can't get to it and you fall into writer's block again??? 
          Can we please just take a moment to express these feelings???


@HumanSeamstress same. Why do the best ideas have to come at the worst times when I have no access to my phone :(


Someone care to explain why I, a sixteen year old, have to babysit my uncle/cooworker/dad’s friend that’s a full grown 33 year old man? He hasn’t showered in a week, he’s sleeping here at work since we told him he couldn’t sleep at our house and he’s too much of a wuss to talk to his sister that kicked him out, he’s literally oozing puss and he won’t go to the doctors to get it closed up, and now I’m sitting in this room with him in awkward silence. He’s waiting for my dad who’s on a work call and I’m trying to breathe quietly without coughing since he’s vaping IN A CLOSED ROOM WITHOUT A WINDOW. AND HE SMELLS REALLY REALLY BAD.


@HumanSeamstress its bc your fun & quirky like that ⛷️


@HumanSeamstress Not the puss but yup just like D4biHawks said it’s because you’re a good person!


If you ever see a rollerskater walking their dog... please hold them with utmost respect and send them off like a soldier. I tried doing that with my dog earlier and here's what happened in a grand total of seven minutes:
          1) crashed into a brick wall and a bunch of rocks
          2) slipped in a pile of ice
          3) while in that ice, I was trying not to roll over the giant dog attacking both me and my little dog
          4) I almost got hit by a construction vehicle with a TODDLER inside it (with his dad ofc)
          5) I accidently let go of my dog's leash while trying to get out of the way from the dog and the construction vehicle about two feet away from my face
          6) I tripped in a pile of leaves because my dog somehow took a crap in there
          ....all while listening to classical christmas music like the nutcracker.


I later realized my pants were on backwards too XD


@HumanSeamstress can confirm, she came home &  had to put alot of bandages on lmao


Has anybody else realized just how seriously messed up their life is and how serious a situation really is when their therapist asks if their mother is dying? Anybody also feel bad they realized they aren't acting the way they should be and can't react appropriately?