
@laurenlively Thanks for the interest!, I'll be updating in about a month could be sooner, but i kinda have major writeres block lol but i will update soon. <3


Hello everyone, or all 18 of you. I would love to get more votes on my story " Don't Hold Back" i will be posting more later today, but i really want more votes and comments. Not because i want to boost my eco or anything just so i have some feedback. I know the beginning is corny, and i plan on re-writing the beginning, but its such a good story to me, and i love it <3 But yes, more votes and comments i certainly want =D


@ShowJumper8 Haha, yeah i think laughing hysterically would scare some people lol
          Thats awesome, i hope you start jumping again soon. =D i take my sisters horse over 1 foot jumps, hes lazy and any higher he trips and yeah it's a disaster lol..
          Haha, i know, it is the perfect word for them. I have a little stallion hes only 29 inches but iswear he thinks hes a Freisan lol
          Ahaha, yeah they are, their like big dogs to me actually. So true, they do demand alot! esp my one mini Mandy, if she goes a day without attention its like the end of the world for her lol


@ShowJumper8 Slighty creepy! lol ;P
          Thats awesome, do you jump?  I know isn't? i thought that was ironic, i've been riding for 9 years tomorrow actually =D
          Yes i do, and they are quite the little monsters lol 
          now way? okay this is a little weird lol i ride you ride, i have minis you look after minis lol