
Update ?


@YanagiVaray You're not bothering me at all! I know exactly how you feel. The waiting is killing me, but I know it'll be worth it. Minniemo0se never disappoints!


@KeepingLight Sorry to bothering you and thank you to repond me


@YanagiVaray I'm sure its coming soon. Moving is a big thing so it may be a while before Minnemo0se is ready to post again. Patience... we will get our BakuxOC soon enough. Trust me, I get what you're feeling. The cliffhanger at the end has me very excited to see what's next. Though, I have a feeling I know where it's going.


I have reached a point, where anything less than a follow would be unreasonable. You not only broke me, but you made me addicted to your poison, you fiend.  u did well, dearest stranger


@not_odile  I'm happy to have been the author of your misery. May I continue to contribute to your future suffering.


Ok so I'm going to bed soon so one more question who wins in this match scorpion from marvel spider man  vs asui from mha but in this match asui won't be having her new ability to turn invisible and why do you think might win 


@shadow_ceris2 I hate to disappoint but I don't know much about him  Spiderman kills him at some point in the comics though, right? So I'd think if Spiderman could beat him so could Tsu since they have a few comparable skill sets. Assuming he didn't straight up over power him cause I don't think Tsu has super strength.
            Tbh though I'm not really entitled to an opinion on that one.