
So I've been gone for a while and I'm sorry. Mostly to my HP readers but I am still here and I promise an update is coming soon. Especially since I just found out my story is ranked #210 on TOP 1000 BEST FANFICTION! I'm gonna cry and it's all because of you. Thank you so much and I promise more updates are coming soon <3


So I've been gone for a while and I'm sorry. Mostly to my HP readers but I am still here and I promise an update is coming soon. Especially since I just found out my story is ranked #210 on TOP 1000 BEST FANFICTION! I'm gonna cry and it's all because of you. Thank you so much and I promise more updates are coming soon <3


Hey everyone!!! Just letting you HP fans know that we are doing the #harrypottersummer stating on July 14th!! So gather up your books and start posting your favorite quotes, selfies with the book of the week,  and anything else HP to celebrate our summer. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/ Sorcerer's Stone week starts July 14th. Don't for get to add the #harrypottersummer whenever you post something!! 
          Happy readings!!!


Okay so my laptop is officially broken and I have no way of posting HP until I get it fixed or find a new one for cheap. I have my iPad but I'm not sure how it will go so hang in there guys. I'm trying to work things out here. 


Okay so I have finished the next update for HP however because my internet is acting crazy due to my family moving houses it won't be up until a week or so. The moment I have internet I will post it I promise! And to that child who reported me or whatever; good for you kid. I'm glad you know how to click a button  smh