
Guys... We have 7k+ on Zodiac Trials! 


Hey can't read the new update for chappie 14. Or the entire book in fact. But good job love your zodiac stories. 


Also, you can't read the entire book? None of the chapters? 


Sorry about that. I had accidentally hit the publish button while I was typing it and going through and editing some things. I apologize for thinking that there was an update posted. There will be an update between tomorrow or Thursday, depending on time. On the other hand, I'm glad you love my Zodiac stories and thank you for the kind words! 


Happy Fourth Of July everyone! :) I hope you guys have a great day/night! ❤️
          Also, we were able to get 6 more followers since the last message, getting us to 65 followers! Thank you everyone who has followed! :) 
          Also, other news, a new book will be posted later today or tomorrow over on @mintthecatish. If you guys are into fantasy, maybe you might like the book! (Beginning chapters are 'introduction chapters,' so will be slow and boring to some.) 
          Enough of my rambling! ❤️ 


Okay, so here I am with a lame apologize...
          Anyway, I've been having writers block on Zodiac Trials for awhile, and its for sure showing. I am stumbling with making chapters, and coming up with the ideas to get to a certain point. Also, I've been trying to catch up with my other books that I was lagging behind in chapters. (Also new book coming to @MintTheCatish account this July. Genre is fantasy!) Along with that, since it's summer, I've been hanging out with friends more, so that's also consuming some of my time. I hope you guys understand!