Well i see one of your of Minos Prime Isekai is really amazing story you make. But can I have a request about another Ultrakill Isekai story can you make you own OC and Original Machine in Isekai Robot Anime story but no V1 and V2 allow in story because I want something different just like this fanfic story call The kind soul, the metal war walkers, and the striker of the damned. Some days of war and genocide are normal but their are days where they can be different. Like you can make a Isekai Robot Anime story because is AU Earth a different timeline that robot appears is full human skin with clothes similar to mindflayer and emotional personal also have equipment and arsenal metal part on them although you can make robot monster in story anything you want and this is the fanfic story if you want the idea of Machien in Isekai Robot Anime Story. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52947985/chapters/133938364
@Minus14iq oh I see but the thing is that i am bad and terrible make a story I just want to give you the idea this story only make you interesting but I don't want to force you do it now. You got plenty more time and you busy to do ya like I want a Ultrakill War Machine a new life. Some days of war and genocide are normal but their are days where they can be different. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52947985/chapters/133938364
Well think of it the idea of creating of your Isekai Robot anime world Mix with horizon zero dawn and forbidden west world,environment, animal robot alongside nikke the goddess of victory your OC,Enemy and Monster Robot Character is more like a concept you can makes your own ideas of Isekai you got plenty more time. Don't worry you can still continue Minos Prime story to complete.
nikke the goddess of victory trailer https://youtu.be/JjcR8wuWEC4?si=iLQUkzNN53rbw206
Horizon Zero Dawn https://youtu.be/u4-FCsiF5x4?si=W5bmloWpUgwv4uAr
Horizon Forbidden West https://youtu.be/UxDWGW7Z67I?si=uN4RY-4Cjn53ZsHC
After you can use your imagination and fanfic story you like for your fans who like your story so much that why I just give the link to you to up and now for concept idea story of (Ultrakill) War Machine in Isekai Robot Anime Story.