N A M E : Mio Ayame

G E N D E R : Female

H E I G H T t: 5'4

A G E : 18

B L O O D T Y P E : AB+

B I R T H D A Y : April 19

S P E C I E S : Elven

L I K E S : Music, irises, flowers, gardens, reading walking, friends, films...

D I S L I K E S : Loud people, spicy food, classical music, loud children, television.

A P P E A R A N C E : Brunette hair with lighter tinted ends, hazel/green eyes and pale complexion. Her lip is pierced but she hardly wears the stud unless she's out.

The quietness of a forest elf, is for the sake of the trees. She is not shy, she is just respectful of the plants and creatures around herself. Much like the flowers, she is positive and beautiful; quiet but noticeable in the crowd. Attention seeking is not something she favours, she'd much rather help another than pull the attention away from them.
  • JoinedOctober 2, 2014