
join my new applyfic // rp ! it's all about the supernatural && spiritual !! 


hello darling <33 is your profile a safe space for jews and lgbtq+ community members?


@circespig  thank you as well


@circespig ah right, sorry for phrasing that incorrectly TvT I was just saying that you can ignore me if you don't believe christianity that's all owo


@MiraKrisae ` oh i wasn't trying to be hostile, i was just asking because you seem like a nice person


you all might have noticed how all of the books that I have published had been taken down , deleted or in short , no longer exist. 
          i have realized that my purpose in wattpad is not just to write mere fictions , but to share the amazing Grace && Love of God , not to kid around with subjects that the bible clearly teaches are things I'm not supposed to partake in. 
          I apologize to all that favored those books , but may it be a realization that my purpose is to preach Christ && teach His Marvelous Gospel. 
          thank you && God bless everyone ! ❤


My dear and honoured friends
          If my pen were both able, and at leisure, to get glory in paper, it would be but a paper glory when I had gotten it; but if by displaying (which is the design of these papers) the transcendent excellency of Jesus Christ, I may win glory to him from you, to whom I humbly offer them, or from any other into whose hands providence shall cast them, that will be glory indeed, and an occasion of glorifying God to all eternity.
          It is not the design of this epistle to compliment, but to benefit you; not to blazen your excellencies, but Christ’s; not to acquaint the world how much you have endeared me to yourselves, but to increase and strengthen the endearments betwixt Christ and you, upon your part. 
          — John Flavel 


You know that empty feeling after you've indulged yourself into sin?how the pleasure and ecstacy filled you till the brim but then had suddenly vanished and pain was there instead? The longing for more still resisted even after that first shot of pleasure and error..but now it's gone and you want more and more until-- 
          You finally end up being cornered into the brink of death. 
          That's how we all feel, Christian or not, atheist or religious, everyone feels the same empty gap within their souls for something and someone to fill it. But who and what would even be that proper solution?
          It's Christ. Jesus Christ the Messiah Who can make all things new and separate you from that bondage of sin, pain, addiction and more. And will replace it with total joy and true leavening Him and in Him alone.
          I know this might not be proper, but if you do feel something convicting you right now, telling you to ask me in dm about this and your personal problems even, I am here-- no God is there to hear your friends, the inquires you have out of confusion and curiosity and the yearning you have and the hunger and thrust for this Jesus and Messiah Who can take your sins away and make you clean. 
          Good day/night/afternoon and God bless everyone of you precious souls!!!


@Clear_Blue thank you and welcome dear sister!! Indeed!! Please help me in praying that not just this message be preached to the world but as well as the gospel of Christ!!!


@MiraKrisae I love this so much. Thank you for sharing!! People need to hear this!!!❤️❤️❤️