


this message may be offensive
          wtf pt.2
          decided to go on Omegle with a few friends and you don't realize how many creepy old men there are in this world until you experience the depths of that fucked up website
          let's just say my eyes will forever be scarred from things 14 year olds should never see
          oh, and i can't even count how many times i was called pretty yesterday 
          too many times
          i'm fucking ugly explains why no one ever likes me


Hello beans, I haven't updated in a while, so hello everyone! I'm taking a little break from writing any fan-fiction because I need to just rest my brain from working on any story. I know I'm a bad author, but I try, so please bare with me. I will try to write daily in a new book about my life coming out soon. Soon as in a few more hours XD


2nd Update: I really appreciate the feedback that I have been receiving on my short stories. Also, another thing I forgot to mention was that I also got a lot of people voting on my OC's book, so I will be creating more OC's. Moving on from ML, I'm thinking of creating a Creepypasta short stories book as well, or Creepypasta text messages. Same with Undertale. Let me know if you all would want me to. So, that's all for the update. Thanks for being awesome, and I promise more content this Summer. I love all my beans❤️


Woah! I am finally back from a brief hiatus, and I come back to 27 notifications. (Most of which were from updates on fanfictions XD) but, I had gained 4 more followers, and a bunch of people were voting for my short stories book which is insane. Thanks so much! So, I haven't been receiving much feedback on my "Love Is Miraculous" story so I'm going to take a break from that book, but I will be trying to post a new chapter for my short stories.