Also question of the day is: what would you do if you had a crush on a guy (he's the guy I talked about in another comment below who was shy and all that) and you found out he was a criminal? More info. He isn't jail his sentence was 5yrs to life or a huge bond. He wasn't my type but I still found myself liking him. I wanted to ask him to prom. I don't Think he liked me back Im still kinda in between on if I like him or if I don't want to talk to him. He told me early on he did something bad but wouldn't tell me what it was claiming he'd lose me also. He lost all of his other friends because of it. I really liked his smile His laugh his eyes The way I could never tell if he was gonna be late to the 2 classes that he had with me. In the second class I would have with him that day how he'd fist bump me. The way my friends went nuts trying to meet him because they thought he sounded nice The way I'd blush at the mention of him by my friends. The way I cried after I told him I was bummed that he wasn't in class anymore. The way I thought he was so nice I couldn't stop thinking about him. But you know I don't want to date someone or get married to someone who can never have a good 9 to 5 job. But I really like him. I told him today after I thought I saw him at school (kinda a long story.) I asked him if it was okay to say that I miss him. He said no it wasn't. Then I said "I miss you." Then he said "Miss you." Like Ahh! Someone help me what do I do?