
I must apologize to my people who loved the upper moon story but it is discontinued. I know this is horrible news but my life is only gotten worse and my sickness is only getting worse too. Mental health out the window. :( And this might be my last update for a while. I'm just tired and I need a break. I hope you can understand have a good night or day...


I must apologize to my people who loved the upper moon story but it is discontinued. I know this is horrible news but my life is only gotten worse and my sickness is only getting worse too. Mental health out the window. :( And this might be my last update for a while. I'm just tired and I need a break. I hope you can understand have a good night or day...


Next chapters on Who is she upper moon zero and the sparks in my heart will be out on Sunday. But sadly there will be no more chapters After Sunday for the next 2 weeks I will be busy with life and all so I'll be super busy but I will update on Fridays. Just can't post any chapters. I know everyone wants the next chapter for my upper moon story so it will be out soon. :)