this message may be offensive
I know negativity has very bad impacts on our lives but I just fucking cant get away from it. Everyone I know is just a walking ball of fucking negative energy and its to a point where im so goddamn tired of playing this fake ass positive game that WILL NEVER WORK because Im the only one.
I hate this place, I hate how one track minded people are. How dead it is out here, how depressed everyone is. I just need to get out but I cant.
Even on my trip to London I was surrounded by negative. If I wouldn’t have found the people I did I wouldn’t have ever gotten out of bed.
My life isn’t bad. Im not privileged, but I’m not dying of starvation or getting abused.
Its just everyone around me is so negative and have no hopes for anything other than sex, passing school, and getting likes on social media. I have no one to believe in me, no one to believe in.
I have so many things I NEED TO FUCKING DO with my life but I just cant. All my motivation was sucked out of me when people stopped believing in me, making me second guess everything.
And now I struggle even updating my own book.
I know im only 16 but when you live in such a deadbeat dump ass one minded place like fucking Utah, everything feels hopeless.