
Well guys, as an official teacher, I've had a harder time updating, but know I am still writing, and I'm still trying to get the finishing touches on the current latest chapter of City of SIn, RoB10 and Radiant War..  thanks for your patience.. and NO I will not let my students know about my fanfics XD.


That’s great to hear!


@Misaka_Omnitrix All the best for your professional life as teacher. My parents being same is relatable lol


recently been reading through ben 10 radiant war and was astonished by your writing skills! as myself who was a huge ben 10 fanboy and started to have interest on the show once again, i am so glad to find this gemstone hidden in near sight.


@justapassingbyfanboy sorry for pushing your comment further down the conversations with my repost, I try not to do that.


Fast forward to the Dragfeld arc. The radiant 7 are taken to a certain dimension to train their omni arts.
          Angstrom Levy: "Welcome the the Flaxan dimension, the realm of infinite bull crap!!"
          Hanzo: "The hell does that mean?"
          Paradox: "It means the next half hour... will last you 10 years."
          Hanzo: "I'm sorry... WHA-?"
          The portal closes behind the radiant 7 as they step through and are transported to the Flaxan dimension. Letting them spend all the time they want to perfect their omni arts in such a short time.


A funny idea for Re: Zero Ben 10 when that comes back is that when Sirius tries to mind control Rath with her authority it backfires hilariously as instead of controlling Rath it just spreads his anger to everyone else Sirius is controlling.  Meaning you have an entire crowd of people who suddenly start talking like Rath and start fighting each other.


So when yo eventually return Re: Zero from Zero back to Ten and you get to the fight with Regulus I think a great idea for that fight is Ben turning into Clockwork largely because Ben’s Chronosapian form does hard counter the authority of Greed.  Clockwork just has a better version of Regulus’ powers as Regulus can manipulate time with some stipulations meanwhile Chronosapians like Clockwork can freely manipulate time as easily as breathing (or in Clockwork’s case ticking).


this message may be offensive
Olivia in the Principal’s office: 
          Olivia turns on the school PA system as she clears her throat.
          Olivia: “I’ve come to make an announcement Billy Billions is a bitch ass motherfucker who pissed on my fucking green eyes, that’s right he took his privileged one inch long dick out and pissed on my fucking crush and he said his dick was “this big” and I said that’s disgusting so I’m making a callout post on my twitter.com.”
          Shock Beat: “We are so dead when the Principal gets back.”
          Ben: “No, let her cook.”