
She approached him, dropping her fore on his chest to hide her watering eyes.
          	 “Have you ever been in love before, Seiger?”
          	“I’m fortunate to have never crossed paths with love.”
          	“If you cherish me, then you would do me one last request.” 
          	Cameryn could feel his body tense at her sudden display of vulnerability. She had always held her composure amid his presence, never once shedding out of that brute character she carried so fondly. He pulled her slightly off her, just enough to see those tearing eyes already begging at him. The demon cupped her chin up, grazing his lips over hers gently, Cameryn answering back with a pull at his placket. He answered her in a soft carnal voice, already unclothing her with his stare, “What do you wish me to do to you?”
          	“I don’t want my last thoughts before I die to be of him. I would rather you have me.”


hewo !! 안녕하세요 !! こんにちは !! *gives chu some mochi*
          i'm hoshi , or baby mochi !! *bows*
          thankies chu for the follow !! 감사합니다 !! そんなに !! *giggles*
          chu wan be fwens ?? 친구 ?? お願いします ?? *tugs at chur sleeve*
          i love chu !! 많이 !! 本当に !! *gummy smiles*
          oh, i almost forgot !! chu ish very special an' unique , thank chu for existing and' nobody could ever replace chu !! be churself at all times , an' if someone ever wants chu to change , don't listen to them , because chu are perfect the way chu are !! be chu , the world will adjust !! hold chur head high , don't let anyone put chu down , smile to the haters , don't ever give up , this life is worth it , stay long enough to see it , the world is changing , pwease be a part of that change !! thank chu , i have found another piece to my heart , meeting chu !! wub chu !! *hugs chu*
          byebye !! 안녕 !! さようなら !! *waves*