
Alright Saptarshi. You got some explanation to do why you left us here waiting when you update


@Eugen_Friedrich do you know MischiefManaged14192's fan fiction ID


@Vent_Hikari not to brag but passing aint a problem. There are special Physics, Chem, Bio and Maths classes for 12th standard students in our school. I want to get into one of them so I need 90 percent plus in all exams from now. So far np, but have to maintain it for 2 more yeara.


Oh. I'm sorry about that. Now i understand. But why didn't you DM us? That way,one of us can inform others. And about those bots,Rikusp suggest Rocket or Toxic (if i remember correctly) to put those. And that Yggdrasil bot? I have no idea tbh. And that new Senpai bot? i don't even know. Anyways,if you need to do something and you can't stay active,you can DM me or others so we can inform who don't know what's going on.
            Also,man that sucks. Exams begin from 9th January? jeezz. And i hope you good luck with your exams! Really,i hope you pass those exams.
            Good luck! Cya bro!


You sincerely made my day thank you so much!


Yea that was the goal I wanted to make a story that no one else has made (to my knowledge)