
For those who still remember and are still there after all this time...
          	I've finally graduated highschool! I did it! I will get back into writing soon. It's been a while for me. 
          	Slowly, but surely. I'll start updating again. I've worked for the last... Forever it feels like to reach this goal. And I've finally done it... 
          	My writing style may have changed a bit. But I'll do my best. 
          	Suggestions of what to work on should help me get started, and I'll try to update things either once a week, or once every other week. Updates should start in a month, or whenever I get enough time to re-read my stories and dive back in! But I'll do my best! I'm excited to be back! And I'm so glad so many people enjoy my stories! 
          	But I am back! =D
          	Suggestions here! :) 
          	Also check this out!
          	;) Lol!


For those who still remember and are still there after all this time...
          I've finally graduated highschool! I did it! I will get back into writing soon. It's been a while for me. 
          Slowly, but surely. I'll start updating again. I've worked for the last... Forever it feels like to reach this goal. And I've finally done it... 
          My writing style may have changed a bit. But I'll do my best. 
          Suggestions of what to work on should help me get started, and I'll try to update things either once a week, or once every other week. Updates should start in a month, or whenever I get enough time to re-read my stories and dive back in! But I'll do my best! I'm excited to be back! And I'm so glad so many people enjoy my stories! 
          But I am back! =D
          Suggestions here! :) 
          Also check this out!
          ;) Lol!


My Mistake Chapter 2 has just been updated! 
          I know it's been a while with that Story but I know actually has a decent plot in mind so it should be interesting.
           I'm back to updating and I'll be trying to update things at least somewhat regularly, but comments are always helpful! 
          Let me know what you guys want so I can do my best to make more of it! Please let me know what you think!
          - Mischief


@MischiefStilinski132 Update Where They Went please. It’s been a full year since you last updated the story.


I passed all my classes!!! Some just barely! But with the way this semester has gone I'll take what I can get, but now that summers finally here I can write again! 
          I'm so wiped right now so I'm gonna spend a little time recuperating, then I'll be back to writing! Please let me know what you would like me to update!
          - Mischief


@ MischiefStilinski132  CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D


Just thought everyone would like to know, I'm not dead, just drowning in schoolwork and trying to get passing grades.
          I promise when Summer is here I'll do my best to update again, but I do have to take a few summer classes because of circumstances... so we'll see how that goes...
          Please let me know what stories you would like me to focus on so I'm not just messing around in the dark. 
          Thanks, guys! Summer is almost here!


So I think this is what I'm going to do.  Right now I'm in a lot of deep crap. Wayyy to much schoolwork, still dealing with a breakup, and I can't get more than 3 hours of sleep without having a nightmare. 
          Updates will be a rare thing, since I haven't been able to actually get the motivation to write when I freaking about a bunch of other stuff.
          When schools finally over I'll pick a day in the month and once I get to that day I'll update everything I have that's ready, between 1-7 updates. When summer comes there's that to look forward to. 
          So I'm pretty much gonna go on hiatus until summer. So sorry guys, I know I haven't done anything in forever... And I keep beating myself up for that. But when summer comes I'll do my best to give you guys good story updates.
          Plus I'm 98% sure I have adhd, I had to reread this post 6 times because I forgot what I was doing. Does anyone know any ways to not procrastinate? Or a way to get on YouTube and just look at the thing I need to instead of all the other stuff?
          Anywho, sorry again! I'll do my best to make up for it when summer comes
          - Mischief


@ MischiefStilinski132  Don't beat yourself up over anything, you're already dealing with a lot.
            Also for the YouTube thing, I suggest that you set reminders for what you actually need so you won't forget, and to save whatever got your attention instead so you can watch that at some other point. 


It's my birthday! I'm 17! Finally! :):):)


I hope it's been good :D


Soooo... My Boyfriend broke up with me a week before my birthday...
          Anyone have any tips on how to deal?


@ MischiefStilinski132  Sounds to me like he didn't treat you like the queen you are, it's obviously his loss. So show him what he lost. Treat yourself right, and if he comes back begging for a second chance, remind him that it was his choice to lose you, and walk away.
            I promise you that you'll find someone who sees you for you, and when someone comes and sees you for you? He ain't never gonna wanna leave.
            Many people will come and go, and you may think they're the right one for every single one of them, but when the right one comes, it won't be who you expect, but it will be who you were meant for, and who was meant for you.
            Signing out,
            - A sleep deprived person that has never been in a relationship and you probably shouldn't listen to, judging from their past decisions.


@MischiefStilinski132 i never really had a relationship, but I do know this. Spend time with family(mine usually makes me laugh when I’m down). Hang out with friends. Just do anything to take your mind off your ex. In my opinion, it’s his loss. If he had the audacity to do that on your special, then he must not have been the one for you. It’s not “I miss him”, it’s “I forget him”. You can do this, you can move on. Take care


@MischiefStilinski132 i eat ice cream and watch funny stiles stuff