
Omg! I haven't been here since forever!


hey if you read my story 'Remember me, Forget me, Miss me' I'll tell you how to make cake in the microwave that only takes three minutes!!!! (and its reallllllllly good)
          If you do end up reading not only will I tell you how to make the cake I will read and comment on your story!


Hi my sweet fan!!! You are awesome!!! I need a favor from you... can you please read-coment-vote my new story I TRADE MY BOYFRYEND FOR A PUPPY! is forthe watty awards!!! and I really need your help!!! please!!! KaTiTa


part 4 of my book moonlight angel is now up. i would be honored if you would continue reading it and if you haven't already read it begin reading it if you would like. I also have a large variety of poetry up as well as some new poetry for those who have already read.


Hello, just passing through, I was wondering if you'd read my new story called: 
          Being a bodyguard of a hollywood jerk! 
          Here's what it's about (as if the title wasn't obvious enough >.<) 
          When you get assigned to be a bodyguard of a hot 19 year old moviestar any fan girl would scream in excitement, but not Cera Joyce, she sees the guy right through: a gets-all-he-wants and whiny brat. The road she's about to face won't be easy, especially with Richard's wantings, whinings and cockyness, and somewhere along the way she will have to face her yet biggest challenge. Read about it from Purplemiley0! :D 
          I'll apriciate all feedback and comments :] 


BROTHER VAMPIRE Chapter 6 is now uploaded!!! please check it out!!! thanks a lot!!! vote - comment!! 
          Finally Heaven met Gabe's family but she also learned that Joshua was in grave danger! Find out more about them in the next chap!